Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Applying Foundation xo

Hey ladies.. So foundation can be a little tricky for some people, but i can help! When choosing your foundation, stay with the lightest possible shade for your skin. Doing this helps you stay looking younger.
1. Clean your face and moisterize before applying anything to your face.

2. Get your concealer and cover any pimples, redness or anything that you want to hide. Also pat (never rub) the concealer on the dark circles under your eyes.

3. Usin a makeup sponge, finger tips or makeup brush, apply dots to your chin, cheeks, tip of nose and forehead. Start blending the dots together. Make sure you do not have a distinct line where your foundation stops on your jaw line and hair line.

4. Straight after applying your foundation, set it with loose powder matching your foundation colour.

Hope i could help! xo ♥

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